Local Elections
Goals and Objectives
Prescott Valley Citizens Alliance (PVCA) seeks to support local Candidates who will advance our mission and objectives. PVCA plays a central role in tracking campaigns, providing information about where candidates stand on local issues and getting out the vote.
2026 Election Information
The Mayor and two Councilmembers will be elected to four-year terms in 2026.
July 6, 2026: Last day to register to vote
July 8, 2026: Early voting begins / Early ballots mailed
If no candidate for an office receives a majority of the votes cast for that office in the Primary election, a runoff election is held in November
A Proposition on the annexation of 650 acres for a high density master-planned community (Lakeshore 650) will be on the November ballot
October 5, 2026: Last day to register to vote
October 7, 2026: Early voting begins / Early ballots mailed
Prescott VAlley 2024 Town council election
Prescott VAlley elects New Councilmembers
In 2024, Citizens registered to vote in Prescott Valley had the opportunity to elect four (4) candidates to serve four year terms on the Town Council.
By earning a majority of the votes cast at the Primary election on July 30, 2024, Matt Zurcher, Ken Freund, Janell Kiehl and Bill Williams won election outright and defeated incumbents Lori Hunt and Brenda Dickinson.
Residents sought new leaders with a new vision for Prescott Valley - one in which their quality of life is protected, growth is managed prudently and infrastructure, public safety standards and essential services catch up to growth.
At the July 30, 2024 Primary Election, Prescott Valley residents made their voices heard at the ballot box. They voted for change.
From the Daily Courier
Newcomers to Prescott Valley Town Council race beat incumbents in unofficial vote tally
By DEBRA WINTERS, The Daily Courier Jul 30, 2024 Updated Jul 31, 2024
Prescott Valley Town Government
Serve the best interests of the people:
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Volunteer Opportunities
Write Letters to the Editor in support of endorsed Candidates
Hold a canvassing event or host a Candidate Open House
Knock on doors to get out the vote for endorsed candidates