Local Elections

Prescott VAlley 2024 Town council election

Our recommendations

In 2024, Citizens registered to vote in Prescott Valley will have the opportunity to elect four (4) candidates to serve four year terms on the Town Council.  The election of NEW Councilmembers can shift the balance of power on the seven member Council.

Primary election mail-in ballots were sent to homes on July 3, 2024. Primary Election Day is July 30, 2024 and the General Election (run-off) will be held on November 5, 2024.

Choose wisely.  Research a candidate's positions and the voting record of incumbents before filling out your ballot






When making our recommendations PVCA considered the following:

* Incumbents Lori Hunt and Brenda Dickinson did not submit a completed questionnaire.

new leadership for a greater prescott valley

During the last four years, citizens’ quality of life concerns have been ignored. Integrity, infrastructure, and essential services are lacking. The character and natural resources of Prescott Valley are not protected or preserved. 

It's time for a change.

Citizens deserve leaders who will value citizen participation and allow residents to influence policy and local government priorities.

Support candidates who will lead Prescott Valley with integrity, transparency and respect for all citizens.  

PVCA endorses candidates with integrity and good character whose positions on critical issues align well with our objectives including:

Vote for the candidates who will be the change we need.

*Here’s how determining a majority and how election at the Primary works. [ARS § 9- 821.01 (D) (E)].  The following is an excerpt from the Prescott Valley Candidate Handbook 2024

Any candidate who receives at the Primary Election a majority of the votes cast for that candidate’s race is declared elected at the Primary to the office for which he or she is a candidate.

A “majority” is calculated by dividing the total number of valid votes cast by the number of seats to be filled, dividing that number in half, and rounding to the next highest whole number.

The candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the Primary Election, (excluding those who receive a majority and are declared elected) will have their names placed on the General Election ballot.

Goals and Objectives

Prescott Valley Citizens Alliance (PVCA) seeks to support local Candidates who will advance our mission and objectives.  PVCA plays a central role in tracking campaigns, providing information about where candidates stand on local issues and getting out the vote.

Volunteer Opportunities